the life of me


a girl,
hardly young...
planning to be a nurse,
and will achieved it soon..
wait for me...

Siti Ihdinaa
soon.. 19...

Past Wards

May 2005 // June 2005 // September 2005 // March 2006 // August 2006 // November 2006 // February 2007 //


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Sunday, August 27, 2006

ward 43 is a surgical b2 ward... this ward is quite boring cause nothing happen during my duration of the 2 weeks postings... sian... but the best thing that happened was.. i was posted in ward 43 in december 2005.. very near christmas.. and there's was this short young male doctor... very cute... you know wat he did? he played christmas songs to all the patient in the ward and i mean to all... he went to about... 7 cubicles.. playing christmas songs on his cello! COOL! haha.. and he even played it for us in the staff lounge... u know wat he wear? he wear santa suit with stuffings made from cotton that can be found in the hospital! haha... then all the stuffing and fake beard came out so we place some micropore (hospital cellotape) over... hehe... and he even played it to the opposite ward... so cool... nothing much happen... except for this one boy... from the naughty home.. u know where it is... he was brought in because of the stitch of his appedidectomy ruptured.. it was the second time he was hospitalised.. the weird thing was, everytime he was about to be discharge... he claimed to say that he had bleeding during open bowel... but we had a suspicion he doesnt want to go back to the naughty home thus he will do anything to actually to stay in the hospital. the doctors have no choice but to detain him one more day for observation and investigation.. naughty boy... that's all...

loved // Siti Ihdinaa // 8/27/2006 06:23:00 PM

Friday, August 18, 2006

okie.. sorry for not updating... been busy with all... ward 47... it is a kids ward.. where sick kids came in... the atmosphere is quite different than the adult ward.... this is because the ward is connected... get ready.. to.. a.. PLAYGROUND! oh yes... a big playground... ok.. we went there for 2 weeks... when we come in, it was packed! so many kids suffering... pity them all... the most remembered member of the patient is a deaf and not so mute boy... of 5 years... he came in after policeman found him roaming in the rain at a basketball court... i feel so sad to hear his story... it was said that the boy live with his mother but it was said that the mother beat him up... so kesian... neways.. one day in those 2 weeks we were there, an old couple came in to see him.. and u know wat? the couple had once looked after him and he's able to communicate with homemade sign language! when the couple came in.. i was so touched and nearly bawled... uh.. actually... i don't bawled.. i just sniffled.. hehe... neways.. the lady hug him.. kiss him but i think he didnt seem to remember the couple... it was so sad... ok... another case... a baby girl was brought in for diarrhoea... she was soooooo chubby! i just love to pull those cheeks! hehe... and want to know something? the mother is only a year younger than me! whats been happening to youngsters this days.. naughty naughty... ok... another interesting case.. this boy came in for appendidectomy... removal of the appendix... ok... he came back to the ward.. all pain pain... we were quite bored with his pain.. even the doctors.. want to know something.. one of the docs scream at him to stop crying 'wolf' or in this case pain as morphine is already given at the maximum! what happening to young kids these days.. haiz...ok... a lesson to learn.. even if u having siblings squabbles.. dont ever pull ur 'opponents' hair.. because it may lead to bleeding under the scalp and cause the head to swell and needed operation to take out the blood... so... don't pull the hair alright.. the pain is unbearable as the girl said to me... best patient ever had...
that's all... cya...

loved // Siti Ihdinaa // 8/18/2006 08:16:00 PM