the life of me


a girl,
hardly young...
planning to be a nurse,
and will achieved it soon..
wait for me...

Siti Ihdinaa
soon.. 19...

Past Wards

May 2005 // June 2005 // September 2005 // March 2006 // August 2006 // November 2006 // February 2007 //


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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

hiya there.. ward 52 is an aircon ward... four bedder... for those filthy rich person and for those banglas who happen to have an accident at work and the employer put them there... it's an ortho ward and deals mainly with those who have bone problem... nothing fun happened there except for this one occassion... there's a bangla who broke his ankle... went for op and always saying.. pain,pain very pain... haha... so we encouraged this guy to walk... he was like... ok lah... not the gatal2 one... u know wat i mean? not the itchy2 bangla... so one day a friend of mine saw him go out of his room... he say.. sister i walking.. my friend say... good... he then walk all the way to the front of the ward and came back... when he was coming back... my friend was looking down at his pants... she saw something out of the ordinary and when he reached her, she looked down and started laughing! the bangla also looked down... u know what?! he didin't buttoned up his pants!!!! he quickly buttoned it up and looked at my friend and say... this nothing sister.. no need to tell... my friend came to search for me... he quickly rushed over and say... this nothing sister... no need to tell... after work my friend tell me... siti.. u know y no just now...
she say... she saw something dangling from his pants... haha... we laugh all the way home... the next day the bangla saw her and say... that nothing ah sister... then we just laugh and continue work... really unexpected... hehe

loved // Siti Ihdinaa // 3/08/2006 09:00:00 PM