the life of me


a girl,
hardly young...
planning to be a nurse,
and will achieved it soon..
wait for me...

Siti Ihdinaa
soon.. 19...

Past Wards

May 2005 // June 2005 // September 2005 // March 2006 // August 2006 // November 2006 // February 2007 //


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Sunday, September 25, 2005

sorry ppl who have been reading my blog.... kak isma remind me of this blogging of mine that i seem to forget about... thanks akak... so as to account for all those missing wards... i'm here again to tell all about ward 63, 52, 47 and 43... ward 63 is a cardiac ward... it was said that ward 63 ward sister is very strict... to me she is.... very-very strict! haha... want to know y? one day she was in my cubicle and one of my patient's intra-venous plug has been pulled out because of swelling to the site... so the ward sister was there... she saw me take out the plug... the i/v bag was still hung from the i/v stand which was behind the patient that time... the patient was sitting on a big green chair and blocking ppl's way from reaching the stand... (try to picture this... i know its complicated to those who haven't been in the hospital to know the layout...) so... after i pull out the plug i went to clear the tray... the sister, who was still in the cubicle watch my movement like a hawk... hehe... anyways... she ask me to clear the i/v bag.. so i clear the bag without bringing the i/v stand together... when i came back... she was still there... there was also a group of medical students standing in the cubicle... she suddenly said... "how can you be a staff nurse if you do things halfway?" i was shocked to the core... hehe... and i want to explain that the stand was blocked by the chair... she doesn't seem to care for my explanation so i shut up and and i actually need to squeeze btw the big chair and a locker to get the stand... i push the stand to the equipment room and if you look properly... you can see smoke coming out from my ears! hehe... joking only... hehe.. even her staff nurse do things halfway... want to know why? the staff nurse (sn) was supposed to discharge this lady from my cubicle... when she heard she can be discharge, she called her children to fetch her home... the sn was very proud... she didn't instruct me to do anything so i assume the patient can go home... the patient went home... then i informed the sn that the pt went home already... she started gathering the discharge file to discharge the pt.. when she reach the pt bed... she saw that the pt was not there... then i tell her the pt went home already... she was so furious at me that she started mumbling to herself.. well.. i was not in the wrong... i think the sn just doesn't like student nurses... there's this one story i need you guys to read... there's this one old lady who come in with 3 stoma bags attached to her stomach... this bags contains her faeces from her intestines... i think she have carcinoma(cancer) of the large intestines... this lady i think have dementia... she also have a nasogastric tube for feeding since she don't want to eat.. whenever they want to feed her through the tube... they must do it out of her view... if not she pinched them.. her son... who was not married looked after her at the hospital... that day in the afternoon... i was in the cubicle and at her bed waiting for the assistant nurse(an) to come and change her pampers... i hold her hand and stroke it... the son was standing in front of me... as i was stroking her hand she called her granddaughter name... ain... the son explained to me that ain was the granddaughter and have not yet visited her at the hospital... he asked me to call her nyai which was grandmother in malay and he also ask me to refer myself as his niece... i was reluctant that time but i called her nyai later that evening when her urine catheter was accidentally pulled out.. the an asked me to hold her legs apart with the help of one institute of techincal education (ite) nursing student... the an was to re-insert the catheter... the lady was shouting crude malay words that is not necessary for me to re-enact in this blog... hehe... anyway... as she was shouting... i've got the urge to call her nyai... and i do just that... i called out... "nyai! this is ain..." she stopped for awhile then continue the shouting when it started getting painful (the re-insertion of the urine cat.) then i scold her... "nyai! y u talked like that" she keep on shouting and at the end of the procedure i stand by her bed and hold her hand once more... it was nearly my signing out time.. so i say..."nyai... ain want to go home... i see you tomorrow" the whole time i stand beside her she called out ain.... ain... the son was touched by my role play that when i was on the way out of the ward he said to his relatives "there! that's the girl who pose as ain...." i just smiled at them... the lady was surrounded by many relative and it was good to see her... for once... so calm and quiet... i smiled and went home... the next day... i was in the morning shift... i came in and find that her bed is empty... i was curious.. maybe she was discharge last night... but there's no such late night discharge... when i start duty... i ask the an what happened to the lady... i was shocked to hear that she had passed away! to my own opinion... i think she is able to go away calmly and with ALLAH S.W.T. blessing because she had finally "talked" to her beloved granddaughter ain which i assume have not visit her... may her soul rest in peace and may the person whose name is ain find peace in life... why? because she had no chance to say goodbye to the one that probably love her soooo... Ameen...

loved // Siti Ihdinaa // 9/25/2005 10:11:00 AM