the life of me


a girl,
hardly young...
planning to be a nurse,
and will achieved it soon..
wait for me...

Siti Ihdinaa
soon.. 19...

Past Wards

May 2005 // June 2005 // September 2005 // March 2006 // August 2006 // November 2006 // February 2007 //


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Sunday, June 26, 2005

still in the sixth week... after that patient passed away... it was a wednesday... on thursday i work morning... the patient who was in the bed next to the deceased was an old man... he came in becoz of a big lump near his liver... he is so cute... he didn't suspect anything bout the lump... he thought it was the abdo stone or something so he was not worried coz it can be taken out with operation... his son was also not worried... then they found out that the lump is the cancer of the liver... doctors talk to the son bout his father condition... i saw the son crying! he was so devastated... the old uncle still didn't know bout his conditon... the son was too sad to tell him... he just act normal but i saw tears coming out of his eyes after he had walked away from his father... may god help his family overcome this sad situation...
in my last week...
nothing much in the last week.. i just kept myself busy.. then my last day which was yesterday there's an old uncle who was tranferred from ttsh... he was in serious health state.. yest. an assistant nurse, my friend and i sent him to the endocology clinic... he was to undergo oesophago gatro duodenoscopy (ogd)... it is to check from his oesophagus to his duodenom... after we reach the clinic, we park the bed... the staff nurse at the clinic checked the uncle casenotes and we were then allowed to go... when we want to go out of the clinic... i looked back at him and then i wave... that was the last time i saw him very much alive and healthy... when he was in ogd there seem to be complications and doctors were rushed to the clinic to help out... then the doctors rushed him to the ward and the resuscitation trolley was bring in... his family members were crying... especially his grandchildren... he was also given the dnr note... the family agreed on it... it was so sad to see ppl grieving... so yest. when i left he is still alive and i hope he pull through... if not... may god rest his soul...

loved // Siti Ihdinaa // 6/26/2005 03:42:00 PM

my fourth week till my seventh week was in ward 44... a surgery ward...
the first week at ward 44 was actually quite boring actually... we still don't know the ward flow of things... one funny thing in the first few days was that i mixed up the casenotes... i put casenotes in different trolley... when the nurses found out i just keep quiet... hehe... the second week was alright... nothing much happen... then the third week we start to get busy... i look after the male ward in my sixth and last week at 44... during my sixth week i finally got a malay patient... a 28 year old man who got intestinal obstruction... he is sooooo funny... the doctor was supposed to see him and you know wat he did??? he went down to the kopitiam below to get a magazine with his friend... i actually went down with my friend to find him... one thing about my third week is that i came near a patient who was critically ill... he had nose cancer and his nose was bleeding and he was only able to breath through his mouth... so he was unable to talk... he was still young... i was working in the afternoon shift when i was first saw him... that day he suddenly become so ill that the registrar even came down to talk to his wife and sisters... they agreed to let him go if he collapse in a do not resuscitate (dnr) situation... the family members must be inform of this everyday until the patient get well or suddenly collapse... that day the registrar sign the form already when he had spoken to the family members... that night when i left he was already stable... it was tuesday... the next day i was also in the afternoon shift... when i came i was surprise to see him so alive and stable... but things went for the worse when the staff nurse was putting on morphine for the patient.... i was inside the cubicle with two of my other friends... he was relaxing... his wife and sisters was outside... then suddenly he signaled for me to gve him something... i don't know wat so i called in the sister... he was pointing to a plastic bag with soya bean drink packets inside... then the wife came in and said he needed the plastic bag... when we gave him the plastic bag he started coughing and blood started to come out from his mouth... he was coughing blood! we panicked... i was wetting tissues to give the staff nurse who was already sensing that something had gone wrong... we were running out of the cubicle like mad women... my friend and i.. then the last few pieces of tissues that i had wet... i was ready to give it to the staff nurse and u know wat??? the staff nurse called the patient name... my friend did the same... but he did not reply... he started to drift off... his eyes closing slowly... his wife was crying so hard..... the other staff nurse in the ward started to come in and doctors were called... they tried to revive the patient and then they saw the dnr note... the note was dated the day before and dnr note need to be filled in everyday... they didn't know wat to do... then the patient drift off and there was no more pulse... when the doctors come my friend and i were standing outside of the screened bed... our hearts hitting our ribcages very fast... then we know he was no more... the wife was so sad... she became weak until needed to be carried to the nearest chair... i felt so sorry for her... may he rest in peace...

loved // Siti Ihdinaa // 6/26/2005 01:15:00 PM

Saturday, June 25, 2005

sorri for not posting for the last 5 weeks... imaging that...
ok... after my last post i've got a few more things to update so bear with me...
after my two weeks at 57... i move on to 58 which is just across... it's a class b1 ward... only 4 patients each cubicle... this time i look after one female cubicle... quite fun actually... the nurses are very helpful esp. staff nurse aishah and senior staff nurse poh hoon... thanks guys... u realli help me... ok... the problem is... there's this one patient... she was actually supposed to be in the class c ward but was put in the b1 ward becoz there is no empty bed in c class... aniways... she is very fussy... she was shouting all over the ward becoz she havent had food yet... before that she was under nil by mouth(nbm) ... meaning she cannot eat... i think she doesn't know the reason for the nbm... then after the doctor say she is able to eat... she ordered western diet... the food came for her but then she say she want chinese... she shout all over the ward crying she's very hungry and we better kill her instead becoz we kept her waitin for her food... then the staff ordered chinese for her and unfortunately the kitchen was out of stock so she have to wait... she started screaming again... this is sooooooooooooooooooooo testing my patience... she's paying for c class and now she want to be soooooooooooooo fussy.... but she was a client and clients are always rite... even the management of the hospital came down to say sorry to her... that's for my third week at the hospital...

loved // Siti Ihdinaa // 6/25/2005 11:16:00 PM