the life of me


a girl,
hardly young...
planning to be a nurse,
and will achieved it soon..
wait for me...

Siti Ihdinaa
soon.. 19...

Past Wards

May 2005 // June 2005 // September 2005 // March 2006 // August 2006 // November 2006 // February 2007 //


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Sunday, May 22, 2005

halo... tanks for viewing my blog... well i have just finish two weeks of hospital posting as a student nurse at hospital in singapore and i'm so very tired... the first week was hell... hehe... why? bcoz my feet hurt as i had to stand for 7 hours straight but the second week was fulfilling... one thing bout ward 57 (neuro) is that almost all the patients had stroke... cerebral vascular accident (cva)... that's wat they called it... the others who were admitted have dizziness as their main complain... aniway... wat's ur first impression of hospital? if u ppl out there who tinks it's a place where sick ppl die... well... u're partly correct... why only partly? bcoz it's not entirely true... ppl do die in hospital but... i stressed on the but... ppl do get well... especially those stroke patients whose must learn how to walk all over again... one thing bout student nurses is... we can view most procedure done and even watch the patient go through rehab at the day room... i love encouraging the patient whose trying to increase their mobility... they need help and encouragement and that's wat nurses or in general, hospitals, do... we help those in need and encourage those who need encouragement... ward 57(neuro) have two cubicles... during my two weeks... only one of my patient in the female cubicle passed away... she was old and she suffered a second stroke only three days after she suffered the first... i'm sorry for her family... but life must go on... in the male cubicle, where i spent most of my time helping out, there's this uncle who had cva and haemorrhage in the brain... he can't move and had a hole in his throat to help him cough out secretions from his chest... he also had a tube leading to his stomach called a p.e.g... i always feed him trough the tube and always greet him before i do anithing such as taking his temperature and bp.. one thing bout this patient is that he only smile if the staff nurses asked him to smile... but... yesterday (friday the 20th of may) i was goin to give his medicine... i just greet him and u know wat he did? he smiled! he really smiled! i was so proud of myself bcoz after having to care for him for two weeks, he smiled to show me that he trust me! my job is soo fulfilling... i still got another 5 weeks at two other wards and i hope i get more smiles from my patients... tat's all for now... tune in for more!!!

loved // Siti Ihdinaa // 5/22/2005 02:33:00 PM

Sunday, May 15, 2005

halo!!! me first posting... me first diary... i don't know exactly wat to write... i will just write wats in my mine ok??? ok... since its my first posting... i will be signing out now... nothin else to say... hope to see u come here again!

loved // Siti Ihdinaa // 5/15/2005 12:26:00 PM

Saturday, May 14, 2005

this is me... Posted by Hello

loved // Siti Ihdinaa // 5/14/2005 09:35:00 PM